Friday, July 6, 2012

Fun Fact Friday - Duck Feet

I love to ask people if they like ducks. I don't have a real explanation for why, but it is one of my favorite questions to ask. That's one reason why I would never make it as a journalist. Given the opportunity to finally stand up and ask a question at a White House briefing, I'd point my recorder at Jay Carney and ask him President Obama's feelings on the most magical of birds. But I digress.

I, myself, rather enjoy ducks, so today's fun fact is about the most awesome of the Anatidae.

Fun fact: Ducks never get cold feet.

While I do mean for that to be taken in the literal sense because ducks have no nerve endings or blood vessels in their feet, I also suspect it to be true in the idiomatic sense. Ducks are notoriously sure of themselves and their decisions. I have never met a duck that pussyfoots around. Take, for example, the couple below.

Just look at those ducks! They're so young, and yet there is no hesitation written anywhere in their features. If only we could all be so plucky. Or at least so fucking awesome.

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