Sunday, June 24, 2012

Secular Sunday - Jesus' Pet

Secular Sunday? Blasphemy! Why, yes. With luck, I'll see you all in Hell!

Today's Secular Sunday comes in the form of a little chat I had with Jesus the other day. Please note that for the purposes of this and all future conversations with Christ, Jesus has a heavy Brooklyn accent. And his middle name is Howard.

JES: Jesus?

JESUS: Hey, how's it going, kiddo?

JES: Okay. I was just wondering, what were the dinosaurs like?

JESUS: They were fucking awesome, man.

JES: So why didn't you save them?

JESUS: Look, kiddo, here's the thing. Uh, my dad had this flower garden, and those bastards kept eating all the fucking flowers. Not cool. So, uh, my dad killed them.

JES: What

JESUS: Come on, kid! It's okay. He let me keep a pet Leptoceratops for a bit, though. Damn, I miss Lenny.

JES: Jesus, and I know this a bit much to ask for in prayer, but...

JESUS: Sorry, kid. I know where this is going, but you can't have a dinosaur. 

JES: Not even a Lesothosaurus?

JESUS: Hey, hey! I said no! Okay? Okay?

JES: Yeah, okay.

JESUS: Look, I got a meeting in like ten minutes, so I, uh, should get going.

JES: Bye, Jesus.

Please enjoy the interrobang and the shout-out to lesser known dinosaurs. Also, Lenny is not pictured above. That picture was taken long before God smote all the dinosaurs for their flower based shenanigans.

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