Friday, July 5, 2013

Fun Fact Friday - Long Lost Buttons

Fuck, I love buttons! But not belly buttons (or as wikipedia tells me some misguided people call them, tummy buttons). I think they're kind of gross. They're all dark and wrinkly, like the prunes of human anatomy. Today's fact, however, is about belly buttons. Or rather, the conspicuous lack thereof.

These look so delicious.
Fun fact: Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button.

At first, I was shocked and bewildered to learn that fun fact, but be heartened to know, dear reader, that he was not another Superman. He was just a man who had some sort of surgery on his stomach that happened to result in the absence of a belly button.

Apparently it is not entirely uncommon. I found a BBC news story about a Czech model who had no belly button and was not, according to her agent, "'an alien.'" That is reassuring.

That Czech lady's stomach. Because having zoomed in pictures of one's abdomen posted all over the internet is everyone's dream.
But pictures of belly buttonless abdomens are less reassuring. I thought, since I am vaguely disturbed by the buttons, I would find smooth stomachs comforting in some way. But not really. I mean, at least I don't think it will explode. Which is how I think about normal belly buttons. Because I have a large number of irrational fears. Which is why I probably should not have decided to write about belly buttons. Because now I am thinking about my own. And what would happen if it just happened to come undone. And I need to go soak my eyes. Farewell, dear reader. Farewell.

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