Friday, May 9, 2014

Fun Fact Friday - Bouncing Balls

I must warn the faint of heart that today's fun fact pertains to sports. Also to history. Also to underwear. And no, you're not dreaming. This shit is real.

Fun fact: Anne Boleyn watched Henry VIII play tennis in his underwear.

"Tennis? Sure. Just let me grab my balls." - Henry VIII
Before you think the royals indecent, I must tell you the tennis court was indoors. But I am disappointed to report that I have been unable to uncover little else about this pantsless pastime.

With so little to go on, I like to imagine that Anne cherished her time watching Henry play tennis in his underwear. Goodness knows, she was probably just relieved he was doing something in his underwear that wasn't trying to impregnate her with the next king of England.

"Put the mouse back in the house." - Anne Boleyn (after an unfortunate tennis mishap)
In any case, I have a much better view of Henry VIII now. I mean that figuratively of course. I don't think I would actually prefer viewing Henry in his underwear. I just meant that playing sports in nothing but a jock redeems him ever so slightly for killing some wives. Not all the way. If he wanted that kind of redemption, he really should've considered bobsledding in the nude.

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