Friday, May 30, 2014

Fun Fact Friday - Fashionista Edition

If you ever find yourself living with a seamstress, you may find yourself in close contact with a large variety of aggressively distasteful prom dresses. If that happens, you may also find yourself accidentally sharing the shower with sequins. You won't have invited them in there, but they will be there. Watching you.

Just imagine this in your shower to understand my life.
In any case, all the prom dresses around me and this year's unfortunate sequin incident - which, to be honest, was less unfortunate than last year's - have left me with fashion on the brain. And this one won't involve any presidents. Once you see the fun fact, you'll be grateful of that.

Fun fact: The world's most expensive bikini is worth $30 million.

I would have shown it being modeled, but I could only find pictures of FDR wearing it...
Well, damn! It's made entirely of diamonds. No fabric. Because why waste time with fabric when you can wear nothing but rocks. And hey, this way you can be a 10. On the Mohs scale.

That's right, nerds. That one was just for you.

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