Friday, June 6, 2014

Fun Fact Friday - Urine World? Autsch!

If you know me personally and are not part of my surprisingly large readership from Eastern Europe, then you may know I have worked at a small, New England water park, which, for my own safety, I will refer to only as Urine World. Tomorrow, I return to Urine World. To work in customer service at a place that recently decided it will be charging money for handicap parking. As if the rogue poopers weren't enough!

How quaint. A sign that thinks people don't do more than pee in pools.
In any case, I'm doomed. So today's fun fact is a reminder that it could be worse.

Fun fact: There is a 24-hour hotline in Germany that you can call to vent frustration at operators.

Interested? I'm honestly not sure if they take international calls, but the hotline is called Schimpf-Los, which roughly translates to "swear away."

Oh, she's pissed. Her boss made her a snail. Or a worm. But probably a snail.
That's right. For just just a euro and a half a minute, you can yell at someone not involved with your problems as much as you want. And then hang up. And you still have all those problems, but hey, at least you got to swear at someone for five minutes and now you don't have that pesky extra money weighing you down!

And I know, I said I was trying to be positive about my fate this summer, but working for Schimpf-Los sounds pretty awesome. At Urine World, people curse at me anyway. And they expect me to fix all of their problems. So maybe this isn't as optimistic an interblag as I had planned, but at least I learned about new career options. Related: I'm moving to Germany. To be sworn at. But I also enjoy sausage.

This sausage is too happy to cuss at you over the phone.
As an added bonus, my research has also revealed that operators at the German swearing hotline can goad uncreative complainers. They can say, "Is that the worst you've got?" Or rather, "Ist das Ihre Schlimmste?"

For the German swearing hotline, "Scheiß" is just a word; at Urine World, it is that turd floating in the pool.

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