Friday, February 22, 2013

Fun Fact Friday - Flatulence!

I have learned so much about farts today, dear reader. First I was going to give you a fun fact about thunder snow, but there isn't a whole lot more to say than, "Holy shit! There's thunder snow!" Then I was going to do a fun fact about Edward Gorey because (as you may have noticed from the Google doodle) today would have been his 88th birthday, and who doesn't want to talk about this:

Damnit, Kate!
But then I discover flatulence facts. And there are so many of them! But of course, if I told you all the farts facts in one go, we couldn't do this again, dear reader. So I am going to limit myself.

Fun fact: Joseph Pujol, a Frenchmen in the 1800s, made his farts sing.

In fact, he was quite good at it. Rumor has it he was among the highest paid performers in France thanks to his farting.

So, that happened. Happy tooting!

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