Monday, February 18, 2013

Presidential Beauty - Part 7

Presidents' Day is finally here! What better way to celebrate than finally realizing the true beauty in the executive branch?

5) William Jefferson Clinton
"Are you the new intern?" - Bill Clinton
Like fine cheese, Bill Clinton is the kind of man that has gotten better with age. Though Anderson Cooper holds the undeniable upper hand when it comes to attractive silver-haired men, President Clinton pulls this look off. It's easy to see what Monica saw in him. It is harder to tell what he saw in her.

4) William Henry Harrison
"I'll last longer than a month for you, babe." - William Henry Harrison
Damn! William Henry Harrison is finely coifed, young, and well proportioned. Unfortunately for ladies the world over, President Harrison was only commander in chief for a month. For a while the medical community believed he fell ill after giving his inaugural address coatless in the cold, but he didn't actually catch his bug until three weeks later. Which means that William Henry did not show off his beautiful body in vain.

3) Franklin Pierce
"I was awful in the White House. I'm better in bed." - Franklin Pierce
Hailing from my home state, I can only assume the climate of New Hampshire crafted the elegant features of this man. Though it is true that he won the first presidential beauty pageant I hosted, his reduction to third place should not reflect poorly on his physique. He is still a handsome man.

2) Barack Obama
"Yes we can..." - Barack Obama
Fit and fine. If you need more proof of the handsomeness of President Obama, may I suggest any picture ever taken of him (including his recent swim suit shots) or the fact that he landed Michelle.

And now... the moment at least I have been waiting for... the most handsome president...

1) Benjamin Harrison
"They called me the 'human iceberg,' but you sure get me hot." - Benjamin Harrison
This may be a controversial decision, but I don't care. Benjamin Harrison is not old man cute, he is old man sexy! The beard; the eyes; hell, even the ears... I am attracted to President Harrison. And maybe he lost the popular vote. And was sandwiched between Grover Cleveland administrations. And maybe he looks a little like a terrier crossed with Colonel Mustard, but something about him just works. Handsome, I say! Handsome!

That's it for the pageant, folks. And though you may disagree with any or all of my rankings, dear reader, I like to think we can all agree that there have been a few ugly ass presidents, but also a sampling of hot ones, too. In any case, happy Presidents' Day!

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